Isnin, 30 Mac 2009

Senaman Melambatkan Penuaan (Petikan artikel)

Mari kita baca petikan artikel ini dari Readers Digest Februari 2009:

Anti Ageing Exercise

Regular Running may help prevent disability and early death from cancer,neurological disease or infections, according to Stanford University School of Medicine. Researches tracked 1000 runners and non-runners over age 50. After 19 years, 34 percent of non-runners had died, but only 15 percent of the runners had. What you need to know:

Warm up and warm down: Even if you're just going for a gentle run, warm up first to achieve a certain level of joint mobility and to avoid injuries. Warming down will also help cut down on stiffness.

Run tall and breathe deeply: Try to get in the habit of running with a straight back to minimise pressure on your diaphragm. Take a deep breath, lift your whole upper body and than hold that position as you run.

Running time: Only run as long as you can do so in the correct style. As soon as your form gets sloppy, pack it for another day.

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